Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Booklet Questions

1. How is your group of people represented typically in the media? Use detailed examples from your primary sources. Explore how the representations are constructed.

Homosexuals in the media are stereotypically represented as camp, foppish- fashionable and concerned with their appearance; an example of this is the character of ‘’Kurt’’ in the hit US show Glee, who is excessively indulged in his appearance; in one episode it is reveal that he has night-time routines where he does a number of face cleansing procedures before who goes to bed to maintain his flawless skin. Another example is the character of ‘Mark’ in Ugly Betty, who is fashionable and works in a fashion magazine, who is very camp, also in 'Ugly betty 'Justin' who aspires to be like 'Mark'.

The relationships between homosexual had proven to be represented very differently to a Heterosexual relationship. Homosexual relations seem to be more complicated and un-acceptable in society whilst heterosexual relationships can be complicated however not deemed by society.
Homosexuals are sometimes represented as weak and somewhat freaks of nature- especially young homosexuals, for example in glee, the character of ‘Kurt’, is seen to be bullied and thrown into trash cans, and it is evident that he cannot defend himself and is therefore represented as weak and useless, someone who cannot stand up to himself.

The representation of young homosexuals in contemporary US texts are all somewhat similar, the young gay character is usually someone that is abused and bullied in a stereotypical high school setting by the character of the ‘Jock’ and even sometimes the ‘Princess’. An example of this could be ‘Glee’ who contains the gay character of ‘Kurt’ that is tormented by bullies which are in the Football team. The male gay characters in Us contemporary texts seems to be more brave in terms of ‘coming out the closet’, they seem to proud and loud of the fact however lesbians in US contemporary texts seem to be more covert about it, for example 90210’s Adrianna.

2. What institutions are responsible for the production of your media texts? Production Company and channel of broadcast

Ugly Betty- series was produced by Silent H, Ventanarosa and Reveille Productions partnered with ABC Studios

Glee- The series airs on Fox

90210- The first series produced by CBS Productions

All my American teen drama texts broadcast onE4- a channel well known for its youth cultured programmes, aimed specifically at teenagers and young adults. The channel attracts its youth audience with texts that are solely for entertainment purposes that are comical or dramatic.

3. What other reasons might there be for why your group of people is represented the way it is? Consider the role of politics and the media e.g. hegemonic structure and why it might be in the interest of the media society to represent them in this way.

Homosexuality has been something that is not accepted society for a very long time ever since the topic was brought up historically and in contemporary times, due to the long history of homosexuality many stereotypes and ideologies have been distinguished. The common ideologies include young homosexual guys being ‘foppish’, a stereotypical little fashionsto who is also usually camp. Gays are normally represented as being feminine and essentially behaving like a woman. The question is why are they represented that way; well if you consider the hegemonic structure it could be that the hegemonic society will want to represent them like somewhat of a ‘woman’ and stereotypically women are weaker both physically and in terms of their positions in society and therefore this representation will consequently put homosexuals in their place in society.

Another representation which is not particularly common yet apparent is when homosexuals are represented as proud and loud about their sexuality and do not seem hesitant on acting the way ‘they’d like too, for example Kurt from Glee. This representation is apparent possibly due to the media wanting to put homosexuality as something that is ‘normal’ and something that should be accepted in society. An example of homosexual character that puts himself forward as proud and loud is ‘Kurt’ from ‘Glee.

4. Is there evidence of any alternative representations of this group in the media, perhaps in different genre? If not, why do you think this is the case?

In the media there are alternative representations of homosexuals especially through different genres, as their representations vary from one genre to another. For example in drama texts the representations of homosexuals generally includes homophobic abuse and the storyline of the text allows the audience to feely sympathy towards them for example in ‘Glee’ the character o ‘Kurt’ suffers from homophobic abuse at school and also his father has a hard time to accept his sexuality.

However in representation of homosexuals in comedy texts differ, because usually the homosexual characters in comedies are the comic relief. As I mentioned before the stereotypes of a homosexual guys is generally that they’re camp. And being camp can evoke comedic performances by a character, for example ‘Justin’ and ‘Mark’ from the US hit series ‘Ugly Betty’.

5. Using the above as an example consider if your group of people have always been represented the same way or has it changed over time

In the 1960s Hollywood allows the depiction of homosexuals in their productions.

Illinois becomes first state to abolish its sodomy laws.

In 1973 The American Psychiatric Association declares that homosexuality is not a psychiatric disorder.

In 1979 the national march of Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights with over 100,00 thousand people taking place.

In 1981 doctors indentify first cases of what they termed ‘gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) soon to be named AIDS

1990s President Bill Clinton adjust bans on gay in the military

2000s California abolish their bans on same-sex marriages

6. Who are the primary target audience for each of your three media text and how do you know?
Ugly Betty- I believe the target audience for this text is 16 to 40 year old. The range is quite big because I think the younger audience will be attracted to show because of maybe the character of ‘Justin’, or ‘Betty’, who are the younger characters of the cast that people can identify with. The older audience will be attracted to the text because of the storylines with the older cast who career orientated.

Gender wise there will be a female majority because generally females will be attracted to the fashion industries and the fact that the show centres around a fashion magazine, that mostly women consume could maybe suggest that more females watch the show. There also be a big gay fan base because typically there are a lot of gay people in the fashion industry and the gay fan base may identify themselves with that.

Glee- I believe the target audience for this text is from about 13 to 35. The reason for that is because the younger audience of the show will be attracted to show because of its ideologies and the entertainment values such as the song and dance as well the adult audience perhaps who are the secondary audience. Also the younger audience can identify themselves with the characters within the text that go to school and might face problems such as themselves.

90210- I believe the target audience for this text is 14 to 22. The reason is because of the school setting once again where the audiences can identify themselves
with the characters.

7. How might the target audience respond to and be affected representation of your group in your chosen texts?

In ‘Ugly Betty’ the intended reading of homosexuals is that they are normal human beings that are equal to heterosexuals. They can be successful and live a normal however with struggles due to their sexuality represented through the characters of ‘Justin’ and ‘Mark’.

In Glee the intended reading of homosexuals is that they are normal human beings that are equal to heterosexuals. They can be successful or talented and live a normal however with a lot struggles due to their sexuality represented through the character of ‘Kurt’.
In 90210 the intended reading

8. Now consider the issues of consumption by an audience and production. Other than political reasons why might it be that such representation exist.

9. Does the representation of you group vary from different cultures and from different institutions in different countries (do they perhaps offer an alternative and oppositional reading) If so why.

The two different cultures I will be exploring is the American culture and British culture, looking into how they represent homosexual characters within their texts. The British text that I have in mind is ‘Eastenders’. The show seems to have more serious storylines to do with sexuality such as abuse and homosexuality and religion, with the ‘Christian and Syed’ storyline. In British texts that include homosexual characters the homosexual is rarely the comic relief and never really has light hearted storylines unlike American text that consist of homosexual characters such as ‘Ugly betty’ and ‘Glee’, where the homosexual characters are sometimes the comic relief with light hearted storyline, in particularly for example ‘Kurt’ who takes part in song and dance routines.

10. Do the institutions promote these representations globally and why might this be important. E.g., consider the representation of the family in ‘The Simpsons’ and how the distribution of this text and its ideologies may present an issue for other countries or ethnic groups outside of the US.

Ugly Betty has had a cultural impact in the United States. In January 17, 2007 California congresswoman Hilda Solis saluted America Ferrera for bringing a positive profile to the Latin and Hispanic communities. In addition to that recognition, on May 8, 2007, star America Ferrera was honored by TIME on the magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people. The actress was recognized for defying stereotypes with the show.

Glee is distributed over 25 countries globally; therefore some of its ideologies will be promoted in countries such as South Africa, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Latin America. Ideologies such as pre-marital sex and homosexuality are more controversial in Muslim countries such as Malaysia.

11. What values and ideologies lie behind the representation of your group? Explore the hegemonic power structures and dominance including Marxists/Pluralists theories. How might each of these approaches be used to comment on the representation of you group?

Homosexuals in the media have many ideologies and values that lie behind them because they are group that have been apparent in the media for just over 30 years. Some of the ideologies that lie behind them are, that they are un-Christian and that homosexuals have no religious values, also that homosexuals are victims and subordinated due to the homophobia apparent in every society in the world. Another Ideology is that homosexuals can be a symbol of liberty and freedom because they are free to live their life the way they’d like too, even though homosexuality isn’t fully accepted.

The hegemonic power structures and dominance of Marxists and Pluralists theories have affected the representation and depiction of Homosexuals.

12. Apply the relevant theory to the areas that you have explored. How might each of the theorist’s approached comments be used to comment on the representations of you group?

Richard Dyer
Queer theory

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