Theodor Adorno
He covered topics such as Popular Culture, talking about how it made the population passive, docile and content; no matter how terrible their economic circumstances.
The culture industry: selected essays on mass culture (1991) Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason' (2001).
Key Quote
"the same thing is offered to everybody by the standardised production of consumption goods".
Marshall McLuhan
McLuhan's The Mechanical Bride:Folklore of Industrial Man (1951) is a pioneering study in the field now known as popular culture.Each essay begins with a newspaper or magazine article or an advertisement, followed by McLuhan's analysis . The analyses bear on aesthetic considerations as well as on the implications behind the imagery and text.
McLuhan also is the theorist behind the idea of The Global Village. McLuhan described how the globe has been contracted into a village by electric technology and the instantaneous movement of information from every quarter to every point at the same time.
The Gutenberg Galaxy- Global Village (1962)
The Mechanical Bride (1951)
Key Quoate
''Print is the technology of individualism. If men decided to modify this visual technology by an electric technology, individualism would also be modified''.
Richard Dyer
Dyer has a wide interest in culture and in the way that people are categorised. In his 2001 book The Culture of Queers was a general history of the culture of gay men. Specifically, he uses "queer culture" to indicate the values of that grouping before "gay culture".
The Culture of Queers
Key Quoate
"Time and again, we are not told why Westerns are exciting, why horror films horrify, why weepies make us cry, but instead are told that, while they are exciting, horrifying and tear-jerking, the films also deal with history, society, psychology, gender roles, indeed the meaning of life."
(Book- Only Entertainment)
Stuart Hall
He covered the representation of Black people and talked about hegemony and cultral studies.
Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
Gaye Tuchman
She with involved with the theory of ''Symbollic Annillation of women
“Representation in the fictional world signifies social existence; absence means symbolic annihilation.”
Book- Gerbner & Gross
David Gauntlet
He covered topics to do with gender and identity
Laura Mulvey
She covered topics such as the Male Gaze and Fetishism in her famous Essay ''Visual pleasure and narrative cinema''.
Antonia Gramsci
He covered the topic of Hegemony. He developed the initial concept of Hegemony that was previously used by Marxists.
Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also ideologically.
''Hergemony is a more sensitive and therefore a more useful critical term that "domination" which fails to acknowledge the active role of subordinate people in the operation of power"
Judith Butler
She covered topics such as the queer theory, and gender representation.
Book- Gender Trouble 1990
"When the relevant "culture" that "constructs" gender is understod in terms of such a law or set of laws, then it seems that gender is determined and fixed as it was under the biology-is-destiny formulation"
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